Friday 15 June 2012


Here are some answers -

1. Match List (form of govt. and power structure) - (2) II,III,IV,I
2. Supremacy of constitution - (2) written enacted and rigid
3. Not inevitable characteristic of federalism - (4) List system
4. India's president not characterize - (3) presidential and republican
5. Not a combination of parliamentary and presidential forms  - (1) Australia
6. Not inevitable for constitutional govt -(2) Universal adult franchise
7. Incorrect pair of country and govt - (2) France
8. Not exclusively connected to federalism - (4) Confederation
9. Vote of no confidence against Sarpanch - (4) 2 yrs
10. Match books and authors - (1) III,IV,I,II
11. Not a peasent movement -(3) Vaycom
12. Incorrect pair of party and leader-(2) Liberal party
13. Incorrect statment about 1935 - (4) in punjab and bengal
14. Not associated to Ghadar movement - (1) Roshan singh
15. Match list constitutional reforms and provisions - (3) III,I,II,IV
16. Gandhi ji's statement related to - (3) civil disobediance movement
17. Fundamental right to indian citizen only - (1) equality before law
18. match list principle and article - (1) III,IV,I,II
19. Case in which supreme court nullified - (3) Minerva mills case
20. Directive principle included by constitutional amendment-(3) free legal aid
21. article about juditial review - (1) 13
22. statment about v v giri - (3) I,II,III
23. Residual subjects included in - (4) I and II
24. mismatch statment -  (2) politics means.........
25. Duverger about pol party - (3) funds and follwers
26. not related to others -(3) new conservativism
27. who defined pol theory as critique of pol - (1) Hannah arendt
28. not attack positivism - (2) robert dehl
29. Match list schools and content -(4) III,IV,I,II
30. Pair not correct - (4) Hobbes
31. Not supportor of pluralist theory - (1) jermy bentham
32. identify laski's incorrect statment - (3) state and society are synonimus
33. consider statments about hobbes locke and roussau - (4) all
34. Not connected with Roussau - (2) fear of violent death
35. Consider statment about origin of state -(3) I,II,III
36. Does not support minimum functions - (4) new right
37. Match list thinkers and key agreements - (3) III,IV,I,II
38. Beveridge report -(4) Statism
39. which state advocated neo conservativism - (1) night watchman state
40. Not opposed natural right - (1) Thomas paine
41. Loksabha seats - (4) UP 85
42. statement about union cabinet -(3) I,II,III
43. article 249 -(1) 2/3 members
44. About article 356 - (2) I,II,III
45. Regime change not happened -(4) Bahrin
46. Arrange events of cold war -(3)II,I,IV,III
47. Identify issue not tense indo- china - (4) int commitment on climate change
48 Challanging america CLAC - (1) south America
49. Incorrect pair of indian neighbours - (3) bangladesh tulbul
50. on the floor of which human rights - (1) unhrc
51. Foreign policy document of india - (4) non alignment 2.0
 two statements-
52. Article 14 - (1)  both true and correct explanation
53. Locke- (2)
54. Parliament in britain - (2)
55. state and Gramski -(1)
56. term internal disturbance -(1)
57. state legislative assembly and 356 -(4)
58. Non alignment and india-(2)
59. Marxian concept of freedom not consists- (3) ideological commitment
60. consider stements about inequality and roussau -(3) all
61. Marxism minus violance is gandhism -(2) Mashruwala
62. Four freedoms -(1) freedom of thought
63. concept of equality not includes -(4) equal tretment with inequals
64. Entitlement theory of justice - (2) robert nozic
65. school of thought legal positivism - (1) analytical jurisprudence
66. Match list model of democray and supportor -(3) II,IV,I,III
67. combination of elite and pluralistic -(2) polyarchy
68. Three features of pol. dev. -(3) I,II,IV
69. indicate incorrect about germeny -(1) elector caste 2 votes
70. not part of cllasical liberalism -(3) mercantilism
71. which stream of liberalism macfersion -(1) classical liberalism
72. Match books according time - (1) II,I,III,IV
73. In which book marx has said- (1) communist manifesto
74. Among following not in gandhi's 11 vows -(4) discipline
75. Principle not related to gandhi -(2) passive resistance
76. Indicate incorrect statement about mill -(3) for him democracy is synonimus
77. consider statement about marxism-(4) I,II
78. indicate incorrect pair of thinkers- (2) samuel huntington

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